Thursday, November 11, 2010


"The world always makes the assumption that the exposure of an error is identical with the discovery of truth - that the error and truth are simply opposite. They are nothing of the sort. What the world turns to, is usually simply another error, and maybe one worst than the first." - Henry Mencken

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Time Change or Time to Change?

When we think of time perhaps one of the common images that comes to mind is, Big Ben, one of the most famous clocks in the world. Originally the name was given to the 131/2 ton bell that is attached to the 5 ton clock located at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London, England. Today that nickname has been extended to include the clock or clock tower as well. Located there is what is recognized as the largest four-faced chiming clock and the third tallest free standing clock in the world.

The clock first ticked on May 31, 1859 and it celebrated it's 150Th anniversary in May 2009. Big Ben is known most of all for its reliability and accuracy. Over the years there have been many repairs and changes that have been made to Big Ben, but perhaps one of the most interesting was the discovery that during a 20 year period that the clock had lost 1 second according to "God's Celestial Time". God's Celestial Time has actually become today's standard for telling accurate time. It has been discovered that the sun, moon, stars and planets move so precisely in their orbits that scientists gage our time keeping clocks by celestial movements.

So what do you do when a clock like Big Ben gets out of time? How can something like this be fixed? How do you adjust a 5 ton clock? They decided to try and attach a small coin about the size of a penny to the pendulum and sure enough it worked! Today they say Big Ben is back in perfect time.

As I was reading about Big Ben and having to adjust our clocks recently, it got me thinking. We may have just had to change the time on our clocks, but I really wonder how long God has been trying to get us to realize it's "Time to Change"? If we are not careful we will miss what God wants us to do, much like the manager of a local restaurant my wife and I recently stopped by.

As we entered we were informed that they were really already closed but that they would go ahead and take our order since the grill was still hot. So we proceeded to place our order. Afterwards I asked why they were closing early? The manager replied, "We close at 9 PM!" My response was, "But it's only 8 PM!" To which the manager said, "Oh man, I forgot to set my clock back! Thanks, the owner would have fired me if I closed an hour early!" He had missed the time change completely and didn't even realize it.

I wonder how many of us miss the fact that according to God it's time to change and we are out of sink we God's standard and we don't even realize that we are desperately in need of some adjustments. We have something that is an even greater standard than "God's Celestial Time" when it comes to our lives, it is "God's Word", which is our standard for living.

Romans 13:11-14 says, "And that, knowing the time, that now is the high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering (sexual immorality) and wantonness (lustful living), not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof."

The clear message we have been given is: Knowing the Time!
* Could it be Time to Wake Up? (vs. 11)
* Could it be Time to Change our Walk? (vs. 12-13)
* Could it be Time to Change what we are Wearing? (vs. 12 & 14)

The questions I find I must often ask myself are, "Could it be possible I have fallen asleep spiritually? Could it be possible I have started walking in the wrong direction? Could it be possible I need to change what I am wearing each day?

We all remember watching Clark Kent while growing up. His true identity was always kept secret until he was needed. It is in those moments we saw him slip into a private room, rip off his shirt and underneath his suit was an "S", which stood for superman. He was superman all along but no one knew until they saw the "S".

Perhaps God is waiting on all of us to, WAKE UP, start WALKING his direction and get rid of what is covering the "JC" (Jesus Christ) in us. We are needed! Maybe he is just telling us one more TIME it's TIME TO CHANGE! Are there any adjustments you need to make today?

I have an extra penny if you would like to borrow it!