They say old habits are hard to break. Perhaps that is why I find myself with this feeling of being stuck where I am. Consumed with the feeling that I have nothing important to say. The first time I remember feeling this way was in speech class in college. The assignment was to prepare a speech on the day's topic worth presenting to the class.
As I stood there in front of my peers I was expected to give them something of value, something memorable. I seriously doubt that that is what happened. You see, even today I can't remember the topic we were assigned, and I doubt anyone else can either. However, that experience would somehow prove to be memorable. Maybe not for my professor or other classmates, but for me.
As I was called to the front of the class a lump formed in my throat, a sick feeling in my stomach and a look of panic and fear rushed across my face. I really wasn't sure what would happen next. Would there be fainting? (That would have made it a lot easier, come on please faint, but NO!) Would I vomit? (I wanted to but nothing would come out.) No, it looked as if I would have to go through this. I would stand in front of my class with nothing important to say.
Now, every week I go to great lengths to prepare to stand in front of a class or a congregation and I can't help but remember that awkward feeling from 38 years ago. I sort of feel like Moses must have felt in Exodus 4 when he said; "Lord, they will not believe me, or listen to my voice." Then I'm reminded what the Lord told Moses and his words echo in my mind; "Jerry, who made your mouth?" "Go, and I will be with your mouth, and teach you what to say."
If it were left up to me I would always feel that way, as if, I have nothing important to say. But somehow that is not how God feels. The value of my words will never be found in me, but in the One I allow to form my words. I agree with Paul in I Thessalonians 2:4 when he said; "But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the Gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts."
Lord, today let me speak because YOU have something important to say!
nice topic....I have felt the same at numerous times and had to be reminded like you that it is not I that speak but God